



The main character of Kingdom Hearts, a 15 year old (currently) with a strong heart and determination. A keyblader who fights for his best friends, Riku and Kairi, and is very versatile in his physical strength and magic. Constantly pressured by heartless and nobodies, Sora continuously fights off these fiends, protecting many worlds. A native to his home, Destiny Islands.


Another main character of Kingdom Hearts, a 16 year old (currently) who has walked through the road in between Light and Darkness. A keyblader who fights for his best friends, Sora and Kairi, as he battles the darkness within himself. He has the capabilities to harness both light and dark powers, thus posing him as an incredibly talented person. A native to his home, Destiny Islands.


Another main character of Kingdom Hearts, a 15 year old (currently) who is one of the seven Princesses of Heart. A recent keyblader who fights for her best friends, Sora and Riku, is always targeted since she possesses one of the "keys" to unlocking Kingdom Hearts. She is known to possess a heart of pure light, voiding any darkness whatsoever . A native to her home, Radiant Garden, but lives with her friends in Destiny Islands.


A keyblader and the "Nobody" of Sora, who was created when Sora released his own heart. While working under Organization XIII, he began to question their actions, and ultimately decided to leave. Thus leaving his good friend, Axel, behind. Roxas then lost all of his memories due to DIZ, and was placed in a virtual world. Roxas being Sora's nobody, possesses similar abilities, and is notorious for his dual keyblade wielding, and light-incorporated moves. A native to The World That Never Was, but has spent his remaining time in Twilight Town (Virtual)


The "Nobody" of Kairi, who was forced to work for Marluxia, in terms of getting a hold of Sora. She possesses the power to bend and twist memories, but ultimately helped Sora at his time in Castle Oblivion. Later taken under wing by DIZ, to help Sora regain his memories. Possibly a native to The World That Never Was, spending some time in Castle Oblivion, and then in Twilight Town.

Diz/Ansem the Wise

Ansem the Wise, the ruler of Radiant Garden and a remarkable scientist, tried to unlock the secret of a heart through experiments, in hopes of preventing darkness from breaching ones own heart. He eventually stopped his research, but unknowingly, his apprentices had continued the research, exposing their own selves to the darkness, corrupting them. They then exiled Ansem into the darkness, and his apprentice, Xehanort, became a heartless, and took on his teacher's name as, Ansem Seeker of Darkness. Seeking to get revenge on his apprentices, Ansem the Wise took the alter ego as DIZ, and was planning on using both Sora and Riku to eliminate them. Native to Radiant Garden.


One of the 3 main characters in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, a strong keyblader who specializes in brute strength, Terra possesses great courage as he fights for his friends, Aqua and Ventus. As he attended the exam to become a master keyblader, Master Erauqs could not pass him, as Terra could not control the darkness within him. Angered and confused, Terra seeks answers from Master Xehanort, not knowing, that he himself, is an important pawn in one major plan of misfortunes. A native to Land of Departure


One of the 3 main characters in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep,
a master keyblader who specializes in vast amounts of magic. As Aqua fights for her friends, Terra and Ventus, unfortunate events keep pulling them apart from each other. As Aqua wishes to bring her, Terra and Ventus back together, Aqua would go through extraordinary lengths in order to protect the ones close to her heart. A native to Land of Departure


One of the 3 main characters in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, a swift keyblader who specializes in quick speed and fast reflexes. Fighting for his friends, Terra and Aqua, Ventus questions his own existence as his heart had been damaged. Master Xehanort appears to know certain secrets about Ventus and uses it against him. Even Ventus' humble teacher, Master Erauqs, is beginning to have his doubts about Ventus' existence. An inhabitant to Land of Departure

Master Erauqs

A master keyblader, who only believes that light is just, and that every ounce of darkness should be eliminated from one's body. Specializing in light and holy magic, Master Erauqs truly represents a pure keyblader. A teacher to Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, and is like a father in their eyes. Having once gone through a little skirmish with Master Xehanort on the balance between light and darkness, Master Erauqs invited his old friend to attend the Master Qualification Exams. Little does he know, Master Xehanort was already scheming something. Native to Land of Departure.


Master Xehanort


Ansem Seeker of Darkness

Once Ansem the Wise' apprentice, Xehanort's heart was consumed by the darkness and became a heartless, but due to his heart being strong, he retained human form. Wanting to expose the darkness within Kingdom Hearts, he began experimenting and creating new artificial heartless, labeling them as emblems. To open the gates of Kingdom Hearts, he requires the 7 Princesses of Heart, including Kairi. Seeing potential in Riku, Ansem begins to take possession of him. With the power of darkness, and the assistance of his "dark guardian", Ansem poses a major threat to Sora and Riku. Native to the Realm of Darkness.
